Dr. Goodpet Inside Flea Relief - FOR YOUR HOUSE
Dr. Goodpet Inside Flea Relief - FOR YOUR HOUSE
Inside Flea Relief, featuring 100% pure borate crystals, offers easy-to-apply protection by killing existing fleas and preventing insects from setting up house in carpets, furniture and upholstery. There is no longer a need to "flea-bomb" with toxic pesticides.
Inside Flea Relief gets the job done with guaranteed long-lasting control. When used as directed, Dr. Goodpet offers a one-year flea-free guarantee.
With flea bombs, you have to put away food, cover household items, and then re-apply in a couple of weeks. They are toxic and malodorous. With Inside Flea Relief, you simply sprinkle the crystals once onto carpets and then brush or sweep them deeply into the fiber and mat, where fleas reside. For upholstered areas, the crystals are similarly worked into the folds and crevices.
Inside Flea Relief is odorless and virtually dust free. There are federal guidelines that require a warning on the label, but borates have been proven about as lethal as table salt!
Borates are derivatives of the mineral boron. Effectiveness is achieved by dehydration of the insects. It is registered with the Federal Environmental Protection Agency.
Inside Flea Relief is available in 1.5 pound containers, with guaranteed long lasting flea-killing power to cover 150 - 250 square feet.

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SummerWinds® products are for all breeds of dogs, horses and cats, etc.
All of the products offered on this website are used in our own SummerWinds® Show Kennel dogs. As owners and breeders of Afghan Hounds and Whippets for over 40 years, we have produced over 375 AKC Show Champions. Our own pet needs led us on a quest to develop superior pet products (i.e., shampoos, conditioners, pet food supplements, and pet bed lounges). We began offering our SummerWinds® products for sale in 1981, and have since remained in high demand for the last 39 years.
However great it is to win, "The #1 priority at SummerWinds® is to see that our customers' pets stay healthy, energetic and live long, happy lives; and, that their owners are completely satisfied with all our products and services."
SummerWinds® is dedicated to working only with environmentally safe and biodegradable products. No laboratory animal tests are conducted on any of our products.
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

SummerWinds® Bis, LLC
1103 Chamise Ct.
Hemet, CA 92545
Tel: +1 619-445-4800
Email: summerwindsBis@aol.com or summerwindsrs@att.net
United States